It has been a surprisingly easy experience and a NOT so surprisingly hysterical experience. We put a gate up at Jake's door with the plan to leave his bedroom door open to allow some light into the room. (We had to remove his nightlight because he thought it was a toy.) So, on the first night in his new bed I put myself in some cozy jammies and jumped in with him. I had it set in my mind that I was likely to fall asleep with him and leave later in the night. However, while snuggled up in the bed I needed to "go potty". So, I explained to Jake I was "going potty" and would be right back. He followed me out of the bed and watched as I made sure to lock the gate at his door behind me. But, as I disappeared to the bathroom I quickly heard a mummer of some kind (a sound of frustration and baby swear words that I'm sure were directed at me) followed by a loud slam of his bedroom door. Seconds later I stood outside his room and heard moments of shuffling and then silence. Jake had gone to bed...
And so, this is how it continued at nap the following day and bedtime the next night. (The second night the door slammed in my face as I said "Goodnight, I love youuu...")